
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Photography Tutorials!

First.... Don't forget to enter the Givaway! One day left to win!!! If you haven't entered already, check it out 2 posts down!

*Disclaimer: If you don't use photoshop, this is all going to be VERY foreign to you!!

This one of those newborn photos everyone wants!
BUT a lot of people dont know HOW IN THE WORLD photographers gets the little babes to do it! 
You won't find a newborn that does this pose on their own, and for their safety, we do it as a composite! 
Here is how we do it!

 Have Mom hold the baby's arms together so you can get a good shot of their head...

 Then have her hold the head up to get the shot you want 
(you will only be using the hat and background from the other shot and we usually just use one hand on the head, but baby was very sleepy and wobbly) 

In photoshop select the area you want to paste on your picture, copy and paste it...

Here it is copied and pasted on the photo, reduce the transparency 
to erase the part of the red blanket on the left, and the face area!

Here is the composite all finished!

Next Tutorial:
 Adding any background to your plain white backdrop! 

Go to File, select place, and choose a scrapbook paper from your folder on your desktop. 
(Hide the paper layer in your layers on the right)
Select (with your lasso tool, or magic wand) the area you want the background added to, go to layer, and select the inverse. Unhide your paper layer, and erase over your subject with the eraser tool. Next, make sure you are on your paper layer, and change the opacity to your liking, we like to give it a bit of a natural blur with the blur tool as well! 
(To give the feel of a smaller aperture!)

So now you can have unlimited FREE backdrops with the use of a white one!


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