
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Summer Spinach Salad!

This is one of our favorite spinach salads! 
We eat spinach all summer long, so be prepared for many MANY more spinach salads coming! 

This one is kind of a mix of all my favorite parts of a few different ones. So here ya go!

Sliced Almonds
Swiss or Mozzarella Shredded Cheese
(I usually always use swiss but this time used Mozzarella!)

 Cook your bacon--
Who else cooks their bacon this way??
This is THE BEST way! 
Much less messy, easier clean-up, and easier to cook to your liking (Crunchier etc.)
I cook mine on 400 for about 20 minutes.

Slice your strawberries.

Mix all ingredients in large bowl

(Depending on how big of salad your making depends on how much of the craisins, strawberries etc., you put in!)

1/4 c. Oil
1/4 c. Red Wine Vinegar
1/3 c. White Sugar
1/4 t. Paprika
2 T Sesame Seeds
1 T Poppy Seeds

Mix all ingredients until sugar is fully dissolved.
Pour dressing all over Salad and Mix well.
DO NOT pour until right before servings.
(Will get soggy if sits to long!) 

We love this salad! 
What are you favorite Summer BBQ sides??
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